Learning by doing.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The National Building Museum

Symmetry, arches, and repetition seem to be the main architectural themes here. Also, the size of the indoor space is quite impressive.  The last picture probably would have been more interesting with the addition of a child for scale. The blocks on the floor are brick size wooden blocks that a school group was using to build a wall with. I have never seen such large wooden blocks before.

As usual in DC museums, no tripods allowed so the images aren't always as sharp as I would have liked.

Hopefully the weather warms up soon and I can resume my outdoor outings.  The National Arboretum and Dumbarton Oaks are high on my list.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Black Hills Regional Park

The day before, every tree here had a stripe of snow down the entire length of it which would have made for a much more interesting shot.  By the time I had a chance to get out there with my camera, the temperature had gone above freezing and many of the "snow stripes" had melted. A few days prior a wet snow had blown in over night with a strong wind pretty consistently from the north which created the stripes of snow on the trees.